Our Mission Programs

Local Programs

Our church is engaged in many community endeavors, such as:

  • Supporting local entities, including:
  1. Habitat for Humanity
  2. Aid for Friends
  3. The Salvation Army
  4. Family Service Alliance
  5. The Idaho Foodbank
  • Supporting Portneuf Valley Interfaith Fellowship endeavors, including:
  1. Their Annual Community Blanket Drive
  2. Their Feeding the 5,000 Families Food Drive
  • Sponsoring Boy Scout Troop 777, which gathers at 6:30 p.m. on Friday evenings.
  • Hosting the Shoulder to Shoulder AA Group, which meets at 7:00 p.m. on Monday and Friday evenings.
  • Hosting the Idaho Mental Health Network, which meets at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday evenings.

Regional Missions

When the South Idaho Region ceased several years ago, our church moved into the Central Rocky Mountain Region.


Since then, we have been presented with opportunities to join mission trips to Puerto Rico and work trips to the South Hills Camp.


This camp was established years ago and offers unique spiritual experiences in a remote setting in Southern Idaho. As the impact of the pandemic lessens, we expect opportunities for other mission trips to develop.

National Mission Trips

We have had individuals periodically take part in mission trips to help rebuild various areas in the US that experienced natural disasters. Our volunteers have done the following:

  • Rebuilt communities in Beaumont, TX, after a hurricane.
  • Rebuilt communities in Greensburg, KS, after a tornado.
  • Did post-flood cleanups in Cedar Rapids, IA.
  • Rebuilt a remote village in Alaska devastated by an ice jam and flood.

In addition, we have mission facilities where we venture to do maintenance and programming ranging in focus from the inner city to the Appalachians to a presence on Federal Native People’s Reservations.

Global Missions

Our denomination has many projects worldwide, but we have a specific global focus on Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. With the help of our regional church, we have conducted several trips to help build facilities for our mission partners, including:

  • A Conference Center
  • A Remote Church
  • Community Farms That Grow Various Produce and Raise Cattle

One of our Timothys, Nick Green, even spent a year in El Salvador working as part of our support staff.